Create / change the profile

Basic data
Email address required
Password (2x) required
Name required
Phone number required
Do you want to use calculator
Billing information (not required)
Method of payment
EU tax number
Billing name
Billing address (country)
Billing address (zip code)
Billing address (city)
Billing address (street name)
Billing address (street type)
Billing address (house num.)
Billing address (spec.)
Shipping information (not required)
Shipping method
Shipping Name (contact person)
Phone number of the contact person
Delivery address (country)
Delivery address (zip code)
Delivery address (city)
Delivery address (street name)
Delivery address (street type)
Delivery address (house num.)
Delivery address (spec.)

Why does it worth to register?

  • During the purchising it is not necesarry to enter all the data again
  • The prices seem to be in a suitable form and currency.
  • The drawings and the baskets can be saved
  • The baskets and the saved drawings can be loaded
  • You can track your ordering lists
  • You can use the calculator under certain conditions
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